Transportation / Grounds / Maintenance

Student Transportation Pick-Up and Drop-Off Guidelines

  • Students will be allowed to have one designated pick-up address and one designated drop-off address. This address can be home or daycare and can be changed with one-week written notice to the transportation office. In the interest of safety, we cannot allow a variety of drop-off points in a given week. Please remember, if your child needs to go to locations other than your designated stop, you will need to make arrangements to transport them. Students will not be allowed to ride to any location other than the one stop designated by their parent. Half days will be treated in the same manner. As always, in the case of an extreme emergency, please call the transportation office (893-1060) and we will attempt to accommodate you.
  • Kindergarten students will not be dropped at their designated stop without the presence of a parent unless the parent states on the transportation form that the student should not be released without an adult present. If a parent has requested that they be present in order to release their child from the bus, and is not at the stop, the student will be returned to the Kids' Stop Daycare location at their school.

This program was implemented to provide the best possible service to our families; our first priority has always been, and will continue to be, the safety of your child. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our transportation department at 893-1060.

Click here to view a short video on Bus Safety

Transportation PSA

School Bus Code of Conduct Matrix
Bus Rules & Regulations

The rules and regulations listed below are the result of careful study based upon the experiences we have had in the operation of a school bus system. Cooperation and courtesy in following these suggestions will permit us to better serve your child. Please go over the rules with your children so they will know what is expected of them when they ride the bus:

  1. Be at the bus stop at least five (5) minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive.
  2. Remain in your seat and in a sitting position when bus is in motion.
  3. Leave your seat only after the bus has come to a complete stop.
  4. State law requires all students to follow the paddle directions from the driver to cross the road.
  5. Cross in front of the bus when crossing the road. DO NOT CROSS IN BACK OF THE BUS.
  6. Musical instruments must be held by owner. Do not leave them in the aisle or at the front or rear emergency door.
  7. Keep head, arms, and hands inside bus.
  8. Be courteous. Profanity, vulgar language, fighting, pushing and shoving will not be tolerated.
  9. Any malicious damage to school bus will be paid for by the person responsible for the damage.

Bus Rules Student/Parent Form
Following are the distances that children may be expected to walk to school or to a bus stop:
Kindergartners - ½ mile
1st - 5th Grade - 1 mile
6th - 12th Grade - 1½ miles

If you have further questions regarding transportation, you may find the following link helpful:
Michigan Department of Education