Information for Shoreline Parents

New Student Enrollment Information

Parents or guardians of new students to Shoreline Elementary, should contact the school office at 231-893-1050 and have new student registration materials emailed or mailed to you or you can download the information from the link below.  To complete your child's enrollment, bring the completed registration materials and the following documents to the school office: 

  1. Proof of Residency - a rental, lease, purchase agreement, or a utility bill with name and address
  2. Immunization Record
  3. Student Birth certificate with original stamp/seal
  4. Most recent IEP if receiving special education services
    PDF DocumentNew Shoreline student registration materials

Medication At School

Do you have to bring medication while at school?  Stop in the office to pick up the appropriate paperwork the parent and/or guardian must fill out before medication can be brought to school.
PDF DocumentMedication Forms

Student Handbooks and Course Descriptions

Please contact the school office at 231-893-1050 for a complete copy of the student handbook or it may be viewed below.
PDF DocumentShoreline Student Handbook

PDF DocumentShoreline Course Offerings

A complete copy of the Whitehall Home School Partnership Student and Family Handbook is available at the White Lake Community Center Building, or it may be viewed below.
PDF DocumentWhitehall Home School Partnership Student and Family Handbook

PDF DocumentHomeschool Partnership Course Catalog

Helpful Forms

The following forms can be obtained in the school office or printed out below.
PDF DocumentParent-Student-School Compact
PDF DocumentBackground Check for Volunteers
PDF DocumentFERPA Form Family Educational Rights Privacy Act - Student Privacy
PDF DocumentEnrollment Form
PDF DocumentEmergency Form

PDF DocumentBack to School Letter


PDF DocumentKindergarten English Language Arts Parent Guide
PDF DocumentKindergarten Math Parent Guide